Admission requirements



In order to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), the following are required before the defense of the dissertation:

pass a qualification exam in a specialty and a foreign language;

publication of not less than 7 scientific works on the dissertation, in particular:

  publication of at least 3 scientific articles (including 1 article in prestigious foreign scientific journals) in scientific publications included in the List of MIC;

- at least 2 materials (article, lecture or lecture thesis) must have been published in the collection of international conference materials based on the wide discussion of the results of the dissertation at international and republican scientific and scientific-practical conferences.

Studying at post-secondary educational institutions lasts up to three years.


To obtain the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc), up to the defense of the thesis, the following is required:

publication of not less than 15 scientific works on the dissertation, in particular:

- 10 of them have been published in scientific publications included in the List of MIC, 1 in prestigious specialized scientific journals of foreign countries where the relevant field of science is developed;

- publication of at least 2 materials (article, lecture or lecture thesis) in the collection of international conference materials based on the wide discussion of the results of the dissertation at international and republican scientific and scientific-practical conferences;

- a monograph must be published on the results of the dissertation in the fields of social and humanitarian sciences.

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