Rights of the Child-are the rights and freedoms that every child (a person under the age of 18 is recognized as a child) should have without any restrictions. Children and young people have the same human rights as adults, and this is recognized by everyone
The definition of the rights of the child is logically based on the main ideas of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. His special article is dedicated to children. It states that "Motherhood and childhood give the right to special care and assistance." Thus, recognizing the equal rights of children to all freedoms proclaimed in the Declaration, the international community recognizes the need for additional assistance and support for children. This means that children have additional rights due to their special needs and vulnerability to exploitation and abuse.
For 10 years (from 1979 to 1989), specialists from many countries participating in the UN Commission on Human Rights developed the text of a new document on the rights of the child, which takes into account to the maximum extent all aspects of the child's life in society. On November 20, 1989, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly. Thus, all countries took on a historic obligation to children around the world. It became the most ratified human rights treaty in history and helped change the lives of children around the world. The Republic of Uzbekistan ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child on December 9, 1992.
On December 11, 2008, the Republic of Uzbekistan ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child concerning child trafficking, child prostitution and child pornography, and on December 12, 2008, the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child concerning the participation of children in armed conflicts.
The first report of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the implementation of the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1999, the second periodic report in 2005, the third and fourth periodic reports in 2010, and the fifth periodic report in 2019 were submitted to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
The Convention recognizes the importance of ensuring the fundamental dignity of all children and their well-being and development. According to the Convention, the main principle of protecting children's rights is acknowledging the primacy of the best interests of the child.
Every child has the right to grow up in a caring, loving family that provides sufficient standards of living, as well as access to basic needs such as food, primary healthcare, formal education, play, and rest. Moreover, every child has the right to protection from neglect and violence.
The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan has a chapter titled “Family, Children, and Youth.” In particular, Article 78 of the Constitution includes the following provision:
“Children are equal before the law regardless of their parents' origin and civil status.
The State shall take responsibility to ensure and protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the child and to create the best conditions for his or her full physical, mental and cultural development.
Motherhood, fatherhood and childhood shall be protected by the state.
The State and society shall attend to fostering in children and young people a commitment to national and universal human values, pride in the country and the rich cultural heritage of the nation, a sense of patriotism and love of the Motherland.”
In recent years, Uzbekistan has been implementing state policy focused on the interests of children, adhering to the principle that “no child should be left behind.” Furthermore, in accordance with the idea of “human dignity” and the principle of “leaving no one behind,” constitutional reforms have introduced new progressive provisions aimed at strengthening guarantees for the rights and interests of children within the country’s fundamental law, and national legislation is being fully aligned with international norms related to children’s rights.
Also, within the framework of the constitutional reforms carried out in accordance with the idea of “For Human Dignity” and the principle of "leaving no one behind," new progressive norms aimed at strengthening guarantees for ensuring the rights and interests of the child have been introduced into the Basic Law of our country, and national legislation is fully harmonized with international norms on the rights of the child.
In particular, the updated Constitution of Uzbekistan strengthens guarantees for ensuring and protecting the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of the child, creating the best conditions for his full physical, mental, and cultural development, and expands the state's obligations in this regard.
More than 40 laws and by-laws have been adopted in our country to ensure the rights of children, and these normative legal acts are aimed at implementing the principle of “Best Interests of the Child.”
According to the Law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Connection with the Further Improvement of the System for Ensuring Guarantees of the Rights of the Child” of December 7, 2021, the criminal liability of persons who have reached the age of 13 has been abolished. Criminal prosecution begins at the age of 14. It has been established that a psychologist, along with a teacher, participates in the interrogation of a minor witness or victim.
On April 12, 2023, amendments were made to the legislation, establishing that humanitarian acts in the form of conditional early release from punishment or replacement of punishment with a lighter one will not apply to persons who have committed sexual violence against minors, and the penalties for such crimes have been tightened.
At the same time, it is envisaged to prohibit persons who have committed sexual violence against minors from engaging in activities related to the education and upbringing of children, as well as direct work with children, and to maintain a list of persons who have committed such crimes.
In general, important steps have been taken in Uzbekistan to regulate relations in the field of protection against violence against children. In particular, on November 14, 2024, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the protection of children from all forms of violence” was adopted.
The law expanded the number of definitions of forms of violence against children from three (physical, sexual, psychological) to six (neglect, exploitation, bullying).
In addition, the law increased the responsibility of parents and persons replacing them. In particular, it is determined that they must protect children's lives, care for them, show love and affection, and protect them from information harmful to health, and that upbringing methods should not be harsh or cruel, and should not allow treatment that degrades human dignity.