
2024 year

1. The outcome document of the Fourth Samarkand Forum on Human Rights, held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, on 13 and 14 June 2024

2. Samarkand Declaration adopted by the participants of the international conference “The Role of Mahalla (Local Community) in Improving the Living Standards of the Population”, held on October 2-5, 2024 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan


2023 year 

1. The outcome document of the Global Forum on Human Rights Education held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, on 5 and 6 December 2022


2021 year

1. Bukhara Declaration

2. Development Strategy of the New Uzbekistan for 2022–2026

3. Tashkent declaration adopted on 3 March 2022 by the participants of the international conference dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the joint implementation in Central Asia of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, held in the city of Tashkent, Uzbekistan

4. Uzbekistan establishes an International Multifunctional Transport and Logistics Hub for Humanitarian Assistance

5. Samarkand Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: dialogue and cooperation in an interconnected world

6. Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit meeting: solidarity for common security and prosperity



2021 year

1. Bukhara declaration of the International Forum on Global Interparliamentary Cooperation in Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals

2. International code on voluntary commitments of States duringpandemics

3. Joint statement by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Central and South Asian States on the development of regionalconnectivity

4. Efforts of Uzbekistan to safeguard the rights of women and children affected by the actions of foreign terrorist fighters

5. Information on the measures taken by Uzbekistan to ensure the rights and freedoms of women within the framework of the 2030Agenda for Sustainable Development

6. Systematic measures taken by the Government of Uzbekistan to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals


2020 year

1. Joint statement by the Heads of State of the States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States on cooperation in the field of ensuring international information security

2. Samarkand resolution “Youth 2020: global solidarity, sustainable development and human rights”

3. Measures taken by Uzbekistan to improve the system for countering corruption in the country

4. Adoption of the national strategy on human rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan

5. Statement of the Heads of Government of the States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States on combating the spread of novel coronavirus disease

6. Decree by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the pardoning of a group of individuals serving prison sentences who have shown genuine remorse for their actions and have firmly embarked on the path of reform

7. Republic of Uzbekistan in the fight against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

8. Address by the Heads of the States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States to the peoples of the States members of the Commonwealth and the international community on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945

9. Systematic measures taken by the Government of Uzbekistan to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals



2019 year

1. Information on the measures taken to protect guaranteed labour rights in accordance with national legislation and international labour standards


2018 year

1. Information on the measures taken to ensure the guaranteed labour rights of citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and international labour standards

2. In Uzbekistan the year 2018 has been declared the Year of Support for Active Entrepreneurship, Innovative Ideas and Technologies

3. Practical measures taken by the Government of Uzbekistan to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


2017 year

1. Measures taken by the Government of Uzbekistan to ensure the guaranteed labour rights of citizens in accordance with national legislation and international labour standards

2. The measures taken by the Government of Uzbekistan to ensure social stability, preserve the true essence and content of the sacred religion Islam

3. The mahalla — a unique civil society institution in Uzbekistan

4. State programme on the implementation of the Strategy of Action of the Republic of Uzbekistan in five priority development areas between 2017 and 2021 during the Year of dialogue with the people and of promotion of human interests

5. Twenty-fifth anniversary of Uzbekistan’s cooperation with the United Nations

6. Outcomes of socioeconomic development in Uzbekistan in 2016 and the main priorities of the Government’s economic and social programme in 2017





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