Eldor Aripov: Cooperation with UN is an essential foreign policy priority of Uzbekistan

BEIJING, July 4. /Dunyo IA/. On 2 July, the Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of Uzbekistan (ISRS), Eldor Aripov, participated in the 2nd quarterly briefing of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNCTO) for Member States, held in a hybrid format chaired by Mauro Miedico, Officer-in-Charge, UNCTO, reports Dunyo IA correspondent.


Quarterly briefings are organised by the UNCTO in accordance with UN resolution A/64/L.69 of 3 September 2010. The purpose of these events is to discuss current trends and strategic priorities in the field of counter-terrorism, and the implementation of the UNCTO’s mandate under the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The first briefing was held earlier in March.


The briefing was attended by heads of UN entities, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, UN Women, as well as representatives of Interpol, IMF, and member states.


Opening the briefing, Mauro Miedico said that despite the efforts of the international community, terrorist groups continue to pose a threat to peace and stability, and there remains a risk of expansion of their activities.    


Against this background, cooperation to counter these threats is crucial. In this direction, the UNOCT provides states with comprehensive support.


In this context, Mauro Miedico highlighted the successful First Meeting of the Regional Expert Council (REC) in Central Asia on the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Returnees, held in May in Tashkent in co-operation with the Government of Uzbekistan. "The event represents a unique platform for Central Asian states to exchange experience and information on the repatriation of their citizens from conflict zones," said the UN High Representative.


Speaking at the event, Director Eldor Aripov emphasised that, for Uzbekistan cooperation with UN is an essential foreign policy priority.


"The visit of Mr. António Guterres, the Secretary General, to Tashkent and the discussion of wide range of issues on the bilateral agenda including countering terrorism and extremism provides a clear indication of this", – he stressed.


The Director of ISRS outlined the specific goals and objectives of the Regional Expert Council initiated by President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, highlighting pivotal role of the REC’s activity in institutionalisation of regional cooperation and consolidation of efforts of the countries of the region in the fight against terrorism and extremism.


Eldor Aripov also noted that this year it is planned to organize a global conference on local community participation in countering radicalization and the second Regional Expert Council meeting, at which a plan for its further work will be approved. In this regard, he invited a wide range of experts and representatives of civil society to participate in these events.


In conclusion, the director of ISRS once again confirmed his commitment to further deepening cooperation with the UNOCT in all areas of mutual interest.


In turn, Mauro Miedico, Officer-in-Charge of UNCTO expressed gratitude to the government of Uzbekistan for its key role in establishing the Regional Expert Council in Central Asia. "We consider the REC as a model of cooperation between countries to exchange experience and maintain a focus on very important issues, such as the rehabilitation and reintegration of returnees from conflict zones," he said. The UN representative also pledged full UNOCT support for the activities of the Regional Expert Council.

  • Added: 04.07.2024
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