Based on the monitoring results of the National Programme for Human Rights Education in Uzbekistan and the “Roadmap” for the National Action Plan for the period 2022 to 2025, which was approved by the President of Uzbekistan through Resolution No. 46 on February 7, 2023, the current status as of January 25, 2024 is as follows:
The road map for the implementation of the National Programme for Human Rights Education in Uzbekistan comprises seven areas and 30 paragraphs. Among these, 10 paragraphs (33.3 per cent) have been implemented, 14 points (47 per cent) are currently being implemented, 5 paragraphs (16.6 per cent) have not been fully implemented, and 1 paragraph (3.3 per cent) remains unimplemented.
- Human Rights Week took place from 20 to 28 February 2023. The event was organized nationwide, involving government bodies, educational institutions, civil society organizations, and international entities.
Throughout the week, over 50 seminars, round tables, masterclasses, videoconferences, and meetings on the themes 'The new Uzbekistan and human rights' and 'Human rights as a supreme value' were conducted in higher and general education institutions.
- To implement paragraph 2 of the Road Map, a program of training courses on human rights, women's rights, and children's rights for vocational and higher education has been developed and jointly approved with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the National Centre for Human Rights, TSJU, UMED, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the University of Public Security, and the Institute of State and Law. This program has been integrated into the vocational and higher education system since the 2023/2024 academic year.
- To implement paragraph 3 of the Road Map, a nationwide competition on 'Education and Innovation in the Field of Human Rights and Freedoms' was organized. The national competition was officially announced on May 30, 2023, through the official websites of key institutions such as the National Centre for Human Rights, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, the Youth Agency, and the Youth Union.
The competition comprised several categories, including 'Best human rights training course,' 'Best drawing on the theme "Human rights through the eyes of children",' 'Best video clip on human rights and freedoms,' 'Best educational literature on human rights and freedoms (printed and electronic),' 'Best article on human rights (scientific and popular),' 'Human rights expert,' and 'Author of the best innovative idea on human rights.' Submissions were accepted from June 1 to November 15, 2023, and a total of 81 applications were received.
On December 4, 2023, an award ceremony for the winners of the National Competition 'Education and Innovation in the Field of Human Rights and Freedoms' was organized at the National Centre.
- In order to ensure the implementation of the 4th paragraph of the Roadmap, a summer school on the theme "Human Rights for Future Generations" was held on 15 August 2023 in the large meeting room of the National Centre for Human Rights, in online and offline formats.
- To ensure the implementation of paragraph 6 of the Road Map, the Academy of Public Administration has incorporated training hours on human rights and gender equality into its advanced training programs for managerial staff since May 2023. From May 8, 2023, to the present, seven advanced training courses, each lasting 56 hours, have been organized for managerial staff of the central apparatuses of ministries and departments. The advanced training program includes two topics, each with a duration of three hours, covering human rights and gender equality.
- In accordance with paragraph 8 of the Road Map, training courses on the prevention of torture were conducted in the regions of Uzbekistan in 2023. A total of 590 staff members from bodies responsible for pre-investigations, initial inquiries, preliminary investigations, and penal institutions within the internal affairs system (50 persons) and the procurator's office (10 persons) participated. The events took place in Fergana (22-23 February), Bukhara (29-30 March), Tashkent (18-19 April), Surkhandarya (17-18 May), Andijan (20-21 June), Namangan (22-23 June), Jizzakh (25-26 July), Syrdarya (27-28 July), Navoi (19-20 September), and Samarkand (21-22 September) provinces as per the approved schedule. A total of 10 online and offline training courses on 'Combating Torture: International Action and National Experience' were conducted, featuring the participation of both national and international experts.
- To ensure the implementation of paragraph 9 of the Road Map, the National Centre for Human Rights collaborated with the Information and Mass Communications Agency, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, and the regional khokimiyats. Together, they distributed over 2,600 pieces of literature and information materials on human rights issues to the information and library centers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the provinces. Additionally, during Human Rights Week in February 2023, 110 units of teaching aids and human rights literature were provided to the Navoi National Library of Uzbekistan, the Navoi National Library in Gulistan (Syrdarya province), and the Pushkin Information and Library Centre (Samarkand province). Furthermore, the information and library centers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm, Kashkadarya, and Surkhandarya provinces received an additional 110 units (1,050 in total) of teaching aids and literature, along with about 40 journals titled 'Democratization and Human Rights.
- Pursuant to paragraph 12 of the Resolution, the plan of activities for 'Legal Literacy Month' from September to December 2023 was approved on July 31, 2023. From December 1 to 10, 2023, the National Centre for Human Rights organized a 'Decade of Human Rights.' The launch announcement for the Decade of Human Rights is available on the official website of the NCHR:
- To ensure the implementation of para. 10 of the "Roadmap", the National Center for Human Rights published the following collections of international agreements on human rights, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, women's rights, children's rights, etc.
- To implement point 11 of the Road Map, the National Centre for Human Rights conducted online and offline training courses on the theme 'International standards for the observance and protection of human rights: practice and reporting' from November 14 to 17, 2023. The training courses, based on an approved program, featured presentations and handouts prepared by experts. Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the four-day training saw the participation of more than 20 specialists (16 offline and 3 online) from government agencies and organizations.
At the end of the training course, tests were conducted to assess the participants' level of knowledge. Those who successfully passed the tests were presented with certificates from the National Centre for Human Rights.
- Pursuant to paragraph 12 of the Road Map, a critical analysis was conducted on the training and retraining of teaching staff in the education system, along with an assessment of the status of curricula and textbooks on human rights, women's rights, and the rights of persons with disabilities. The analytical information has been forwarded to the Chairperson of the National Commission for the implementation of the fourth phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education in Uzbekistan.
- . In order to ensure the implementation of the 13th paragraph of the Roadmap, the National Centre for Human Rights developed proposals for the organisation of a bachelor's degree course in "Lawyer-educator" and for the improvement of the master's degree course in "International Human Rights Law". These proposals were sent to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the Law Enforcement Academy
- To ensure the implementation of point 14 of the Roadmap, the National Centre for Human Rights conducted a monitoring meeting to assess the effectiveness of basic doctoral students, doctoral candidates, and applicants at the Institute of Postgraduate Education. A qualifying examination was organized for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Law and Sociological Sciences, specifically in the field of human rights. Additionally, three quotas for doctoral studies for the academic year 2023-2024 were established.
- In order to ensure the implementation of paragraph 19 of the Road Map, a training seminar on international human rights standards was held on 26 August 2023 in conjunction with the National Centre, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Commissioner for Children's Rights of the Oliy Majlis (Children's Ombudsman). The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and psychology inspectors working in the system in 14 regions of Uzbekistan.
- Pursuant to paragraph 21 of the Road Map, following the decision of the Parliamentary Commission of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis on May 11, 2023, the Public Foundation under the Oliy Majlis announced a competition for three grants. In May-June 2023, projects submitted by 10 NNTs, media, and civil society organizations to the 3rd state grant competition were recognized as winners and subsequently implemented with a state grant amounting to 925 million soums.
- In order to ensure the implementation of paragraph 23 of the Road Map From 21 August to 1 December 2023, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, the Council of Farmers, Dekhkan Farms and Homestead Land Owners, the National Centre for Human Rights and the Business Ombudsman organized an online and offline training course on business and human rights for farmers and entrepreneurs in Andijan, Bukhara, Kashkadarya, Navoi, Surkhandarya, Jizzak and Samarkand provinces. A total of 4497 people took part in the courses.
- As part of the implementation of paragraph 25 of the road map, the National Centre for Human Rights, in cooperation with the ministries and departments concerned, has developed teaching aids for teachers in preschool educational establishments entitled "Teaching the rights of the child" and an exhibition guide entitled "The rights of the child" for pupils.
On September 27, 2023, these manuals were handed over to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan for integration into the educational process in preschool educational organizations. Subsequently, on October 6, 2023, the exhibition manuals were dispatched by the Preschool Education Agency under the Ministry of School and Preschool Education to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Preschool and School Education Departments of the provinces, and the city of Tashkent for promotion and integration into the educational process in preschool organization.
- To implement paragraph 26 of the Road Map, the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan, through its channels—O'zbekiston 24, Yoshlar, Toshkent, and Dunyo—broadcasted content highlighting reforms aimed at safeguarding women's rights, children's rights, and the rights of persons with disabilities.
From February to December 2023, the Agency for Information and Mass Communications published a total of 479 materials on strengthening human rights education, training, and the national human rights system across print, electronic, and online media. Of these, 143 were featured on websites, 75 on national television and radio channels, 12 in print media, and 249 on social networks.
Specifically, 47 human rights programs were aired on the National Television and Radio Company's channels, and 16 interviews and video clips were featured on channels such as Uzbekistan 24, Uzbekistan, Ferghana, Jizakh, Bukhara, Andijan, Kashkadarya, SyrDarya, Khorezm, and more. Additionally, the press service of the Information and Mass Communications Agency organized two briefings, broadcast on the Uzbekistan 24 television channel.
- As part of the implementation of paragraph 27 of the roadmap for 2023, the National Centre for Human Rights, in collaboration with the Information and Mass Communications Agency of the Office of the President, conducted a training course on State policy regarding the protection of human rights and the fulfillment of international obligations in this area. The training, held on September 27 and 28, was attended by 79 staff members from ministries, departments, and organizations, including the khokimiyats of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the provinces, and the city of Tashkent. It also saw participation from staff members and press secretaries of state organizations responsible for public relations and international cooperation in the field of human rights.
- To achieve the goals outlined in paragraph 28 of the Road Map, the National Centre for Human Rights, with the support of international partners, has formulated a concept for an electronic platform dedicated to human rights education. Based on this concept, an enhanced version of the e-platform for human rights education received approval with technical assistance from the Ministry of Digital Technology. The e-platform was successfully launched in April 2023.
- To implement the measures outlined in paragraph 29 of the Road Map, the National Centre for Human Rights, in collaboration with the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan, organized a training session for judges and representatives of law enforcement agencies from June 6 to 8, 2023. The session focused on strengthening the role of women in promoting peace and security as part of the project on implementing United Nations Security Council resolution 1325, titled 'Women, peace, and security.'
Under a joint project, an instructional program for the Ministry of Emergency Situations staff on 'Ensuring the rights of women and children in emergency situations' was developed.
Furthermore, the National Centre for Human Rights, in conjunction with the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan and the Department of Corrections of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, conducted a three-day training course for penal institution staff in Tashkent from June 19 to 21, 2023, and in Bukhara from June 22 to 24, 2023. The theme of the training was 'Prevention of torture and other cruel treatment by international standards,' part of the project aimed at promoting the sustainable development of the national system for the protection of human rights in Uzbekistan.
On March 31, 2023, the Regional Office of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for Central Asia, in collaboration with the non-governmental non-profit organization 'UPR-info,' conducted a webinar on best practices in preparing the national report for the 4th cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Uzbekistan. The event aimed to familiarize participants with the main requirements for preparing national reports under the Universal Periodic Review. More than 20 representatives from state bodies, specialists, and experts participated in the national seminar.
- In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks defined in paragraph 30 of the Roadmap, a meeting was held on 29 November 2023 at the National Centre for Human Rights with the coordinator of the HELP project of the Council of Europe's Office for Cooperation Programmes in Central Asia, Kristina Khokhlova, and a prosecutor from Norway, Rudolf Kristoffersen, on the topic of "Human Rights Education for Lawyers". The meeting agreed to organise these events in March 2024.
- Added: 09.02.2024
- Views: 10362