Human rights education is fundamental to promote universal respect for and widespread observance of human rights. It contributes to the enhancement of the culture of human rights, which implies awareness and active use of rights, freedoms, observance of obligations in order to build a democratic society. In addition, it is essential to ensure the full participation of people in all decision-making processes that affect their lives – civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental, as well as to prevent crime, violence and conflict.
To further raise awareness on universal human rights norms and principles, as well as the effectiveness of the work carried out in this direction, by the order of the President of Uzbekistan, the National Commission for the implementation of the fourth stage of the World Program for Human Rights Education in the Republic of Uzbekistan was formed.
The National Commission chaired by the First Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber, Director of the National Center for Human Rights A. Saidov, and consists of representatives of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Higher Education, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Agency for Youth Affairs, the Ombudsman, the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions, representatives NGOs and mass media, as well as regional leaders.
It is envisaged to develop a National Program for Human Rights Education, taking into account the norms of international treaties and standards, the recommendations of the UN human rights structures, as well as the historical, national and cultural values of the Uzbek society.
On December 10, 2004, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the World Program for Human Rights Education to promote the implementation of human rights education programs in all sectors, and in December 2011, the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training was adopted.
The World Program was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2004. So far, 3 stages of the program have been implemented:
1st stage (2005-2009) covered human rights education in schools;
2nd stage (2010-2014) - the system of higher education, teachers and civil servants;
3rd stage (2015-2019) - media representatives.
From 2020 to 2024, the fourth phase of the World Program for Human Rights Education is being implemented, which aims to empower youth through human rights education.
In recent years, Uzbekistan has done significant work in the field of human rights, including to improve education in the field of human rights. Human rights education is one of the priority directions of state policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan on the formation of a culture of human rights.
In 2019, the Oliy Majlis adopted the National Action Program for the implementation of the provisions of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education. The National Strategy on Human Rights is being implemented, within the framework of which the tasks of introducing human rights training courses in universities are assigned.
In August, under the auspices of the UN in 2020, the Samarkand International Forum dedicated to the rights of youth was successfully held. The initiative of the President of Uzbekistan to adopt the UN Convention on the Rights of Youth, put forward at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, is widely supported by the international community.
Due to the progress made in the field of human rights, Uzbekistan was elected a member of the UN Human Rights Council for 2021-2023.
Press Service of the National Center of the Republic
Uzbekistan for Human Rights
- Added: 08.06.2021
- Views: 5350