The new issue of the journal

Issue No.3 of the Journal of “Democratization and Human Rights”, dedicated to the 28th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been published.
In the publication you will find the regulatory and important documents for the life of our nation in Uzbek, Russian and English languages, as well as articles by members of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. Saidov, T. Abdusattorov, F. Eshmatova, chairperson of the “Yuksalish” National Movement A. Burkhanov, international experts A. Süleyman, M. Butt, R. Müllerson and others.
You can find the contents of the journal by clicking on the link. (Open the corresponding pages of the website with the contents of the journal in Uzbek and Russian).
Editorial Board
  • Added: 17.09.2019
  • Views: 6804
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