The Geneva Conventions were published for the first time in the Uzbek alphabet using the Latin script.

On 17 December 2024, a grand event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Geneva conventions and the presentation of their translation into Uzbek language using Latin graphics was held in the premises of the National Human Rights Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The event,, organized by the National Human Rights Center in partnership with the Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the ICRC Regional Delegation in Central Asia was attended by more than 50 participants, including deputies of the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis and members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, representatives of government agencies, as well as international organizations and the diplomatic corps accredited in Uzbekistan.

TheDirector of the NationalHumanRights Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan,academicianAkmalSaidov, addressedtheaudience with a welcomingspeech, and stressed that:"The Geneva conventionsare the central element of the Internationalhumanitarianlaw.TheirtranslationintoUzbek language usingLatingraphicsis a significantstepinstrengthening the legalculture of oursocietyandensuring that everycitizen has accessto the fundamentalnorms of humanism, as well as a positive example of minigfull cooperation between Uzbekistan and the ICRC and the Swiss Confederation."

The Head of the Regional Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Central Asia, Biljana Milosevic, in her speech noted as follows: "In the modern world, the principles of the humanitarian law are becoming particularly relevant. As elsewhere in the world, the ICRC in Uzbekistan seeks cooperation in promoting IHL and welcomes the government's efforts in this area."

In his welcoming speech, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to the Republic of Uzbekistan Konstantin Obolensky drew attention to the historical role of Switzerland in the development and promotion of the Geneva conventions: "Switzerland, as the birthplace of the Geneva conventions, deeply appreciates Uzbekistan's efforts to disseminate and implement the principles of the International humanitarian law. We are ready to continue to support initiatives aimed at strengthening human rights and humanitarian values."

The participants of the eventnotedthat the Geneva conventionsof 12 August1949arefundamentalinternationaltreatiesestablishingnorms of humanetreatmentofvictims of warsandarmedconflicts. Thetranslation of thesedocumentsintoUzbek language usingLatingraphicscontributes to awiderdissemination of the knowledgeabout the Internationalhumanitarianlawamong the population of Uzbekistan.

During the event, participants were presented with a video and a prhoto exibition highlighting the humanitarian significance of the Conventions, and emphasizing the need for their broad understanding and recognition at the global level.  

The culmination of the eventwas the presentation of the translation of the Geneva conventionsand their Additional protocolsintoUzbek language (in Latin script).

ThisprojectsymbolizesUzbekistan's commitment to internationalhumanitarianstandards,aswell as its willingness topopularize the knowledgeaboutfundamentalrightsthatmust be respectedevenin the context of armedconflicts.

The eventbecame a platformfordiscussingtopicalissues of the Internationalhumanitarianlawandhumanrights. The participantsstressed the need to raise public awarenessof the principles of humanitarianlawandexpressedreadinessforfurthercooperationinthis sphere.

Press service of the National Center for

Human Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  • Added: 17.12.2024
  • Views: 898
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